

BSU提供几种不同的“交付模式”课程。, 所以你会看到这样的缩写词和分类:

同步: Teaching 和 learning happening together in real time (could be online or on-campus).

异步: 同时进行教学, 和 learning happening at another time (like traditional online learning).

HYFL: 代表" HyFlex ", which means one class section is delivered in-person in a classroom, 与在线学生同步, 和 is also recorded for 异步 playback online by all students enrolled in the class.

辊筒: 代表“在线”类, 这是传统的, 异步 delivery of a class that can be completed by students on just about any schedule.

BLND: 这是一门“混合式”课程,主要在线授课, 需要 几次学生面对面的会议. 的se meetings are usually identified before the semester begins to allow for travel planning. 查看课程描述的日期/时间.

VCO /录像机: This is “Video Conferencing Originating Site” 和 “Video Conferencing Remote Site”. 始发地点是位于贝米吉的一间BSU教室. Remote Site could be just about anywhere a student is joining online. 这些都是 同步 在线课程会议.


并不是所有的专业和课程都在网上提供. 这里是一个列表 我们的在线和非在线专业. Most online classes we offer are those needed by transfer students to complete a major…courses you would take as a junior or senior college student. While we do offer many online liberal education 和 introductory courses, there are sometimes very few choices in certain goal areas 和 academic departments. 如果你选择的是在线课程,请注意这一点, but are a person who likes to have lots of choices in which courses you can take. 的 课程表 does a good job of helping you identify which courses are offered in various formats.


Most BSU online classes will use D2L Brightspace as the learning management system. 在网站, 您将看到您注册的每个课程, 每个班级的结构都略有不同. 一些教授提供高度结构化的日常课程, 每周, 或者以单元为基础的课程节奏. 的re are areas f或讨论, content, 作业, 小测验, 和 more. 在开始上课之前,花点时间来探索D2L. 在课程列表中有新葡京博彩官网D2L的介绍, 如果你不熟悉这个平台.

D2L在笔记本电脑或台式电脑上使用效果最好, 但你也可以使用现代智能手机来上课. You should have a reliable high-speed internet connection anywhere you plan to attend your classes.


你可能会. Purely online classes typically don’t require you to be online at any given time. 然而, 各种作业和考试都有截止日期, 所以你需要认真安排你的日程. A highly-structured course might have something required of you on a near-daily basis, 而其他课程的安排则较为松散, allowing you greater flexibility in when you must be online 和 when you must contribute to discussions, 等.

Your classes might also require you to schedule times to work collaboratively with other students 和/or the professor. 通常, 将提供一系列日期, or you’ll be able to work with your fellow students on a schedule that works best for your team.

Classes with required in-person meetings should detail the time 和 place you are required to meet, 和 this information should be in the syllabus 和/or course description in eServices Course 搜索.


D2L包括几个交互选项, 包括带有主题和提示的传统讨论论坛. You may also interact through a videoconferencing tool like Zoom or Google Meet. 一些班级活动是 同步的, 意思是你们在同一时间见面,有些人是 异步, meaning you are contributing your responses 和 questions at different times, 但是按照某种顺序.

你也可以使用其他技术,比如电话, 电子邮件, 在课堂上发短信来完成某些事情. 就你们如何互动而言,一切都摆在桌面上, 除了传统的课堂教学方法. 随着教学技术的进步, 我们将体验到更有吸引力的在线课堂互动方式.


工作量与面对面的课程相似,如果不是稍微高一点的话. 的 reason the workload might be higher is that online classes require you to be mindful of your schedule, 记录文件, 日期和截止日期, 和 collaborative projects on a timeline that is less structured than in-person classroom meetings. 也, you must be more self-reliant 和 be comfortable with asking questions without getting immediate answers, especially if you do most of your coursework outside of regular school hours.

一般来说,计划 每个学分每周工作3小时 你参加了. So for a 3-credit class, plan to work up to 9 hours a week on that one class. 如果你注册了12个学分, 你猜对了,每周应该花36个小时在课程上. That’s why it’s called “full-time” enrollment…it’s as much work as a full-time job.


Most BSU online classes follow the same schedule as our on-campus classes. In the fall 和 spring semesters, this is usually 15 weeks or about 3.5个月. In the summer, classes are usually condensed, ranging from 3 to 9 weeks in length. 当然也有一些例外, 所以请在esservices查看您的课程表, 哪个应该标明课程的开始和结束日期. 当心! 夏季课程较短, 但要包括与秋季或春季课程相同的内容, 所以有时会感觉课程进展得很快.


你们会被分配阅读材料, 录制(或直播)讲座, 视频, 以及其他实践性和应用性作业. 数学课将包括数学题练习, while a Business class might require you to interview a professional, 或者通过网络摄像头或智能手机录制提交您的销售演讲. 的re are technology benefits to online classes that allow professors to utilize tools they may not have access to in a traditional classroom, so expect to learn some new ways of doing 和 submitting 作业. 无论你做什么,都要计划好 BSU的.C. 克拉克图书馆 你经常求助的资源!


Some of your online classes will require that you are supervised while taking your class exams. 这并不意味着你必须来到波士顿州立大学校园, 如果你方便的话,可以. Many online students utilize testing sites with an approved proctor local to their area. 另外, your professor may offer a virtual proctor service that utilizes your computer’s web cam to record the testing session. For more information on setting up test proctoring for your classes, head over to our 选择一个Test Proctor资源页面.


Read the course description, notes, 和 delivery method carefully when registering. All of this information is found in your BSU eServices Course 搜索 tool. 查找关键词和短语,比如“监考”, “会议”, “所需的软件”, 和 other information that is good to know well in advance of the class start date.


根据你所经历的困难,答案会有所不同. If you are having technical problems with connecting to D2L Brightspace, BSU eServices, 或者你的BSU电子邮件帐户, 向BSU HelpDesk提交一个ticket 或致电218-755-3777. 我们也鼓励你去搜索 ITS知识库 有关常见技术问题的答案.

如果你在理解如何浏览你的类方面有困难, 或者寻找特定的内容, 作业, 小测验, 或讨论, 请直接与你的教授联系. 如果你在课堂欢迎中找不到联系方式, 试试这里的BSU目录.